
Rate limit information is returned in the response headers:

Number of requests permitted per time period
Number of requests you can still make
Timestamp when your rate limit will reset
An API method can be subject to multiple overlapping rate limits. The headers return information about the one you are closest to exceeding.


By default, the following limits are hardcoded:

Per account

All endpoints and methods can be called 300 times within 5 minutes.

Uploading media

POST /api/v1/media can be called 30 times within 30 minutes.

Deleting statuses

Either DELETE /api/v1/statuses/:id or POST /api/v1/statuses/:id/unreblog can be called 30 times within 30 minutes.

Per IP

All endpoints and methods can be called 300 times within 5 minutes.

Creating accounts

POST /api/v1/accounts can be called 5 times within 30 minutes.