
  "error": "invalid_grant",
  "error_description": "The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."
The most important part of an error response is the HTTP status code. Standard semantics are followed. The body of an error is a JSON object containing more information, if available.



Description: The error message.
Type: String
Version history:
0.6.0 - added

error_description optional

Description: A longer description of the error, mainly provided with the OAuth API.
Type: String
Version history:
0.6.0 - added

Possible reasons

400 - Bad request


Error: {string}. Appears when a required parameter is missing from the API call.

401 - Unauthorized


Error: This API requires an authenticated user. Appears when the instance is in secure mode, which disables all public use of API methods.

403 - Forbidden


Error: This action is not allowed. Appears when trying to call a method that you do not have permission for (such as admin or staff methods), or performing actions you are not allowed to do (such as following a user that blocks you).


Error: Your login is currently disabled. Appears when the OAuth token’s authorized user has had their account disabled by a moderator.


Error: Your login is missing a confirmed e-mail address. Appears when the email address associated with the OAuth token’s authorized user’s account has not yet been confirmed.


Error: Your login is currently pending approval. Appears when the OAuth token’s authorized user has signed up on an instance with approval-required registrations, and the user has not yet had their account approved by a moderator.

404 - Not found


Error: Record not found. Appears when an entity record does not exist, or the authorized user is not within the audience of a private entity.operates on a user.

422 - Unprocessable entity


Error: {string}. May appear when entity creation failed.


Error: Duplicate record. Appears when you are trying to pin an account or status that is already pinned.


Error: This method requires an authenticated user. Appears when using an OAuth token without an authorized user (or no token at all), while trying to call an API method that requires a user to be processed.

429 - Too many requests

Error: {translated string}. Appears when you have exceeded the rate limit. See Rate limits for more information.

503 - Remote service unavailable


Error: Remote data could not be fetched. Appears when Mastodon calls a remote service (such as WebFinger from another instance) which returns an error.


Error: Remote SSL certificate could not be verified. Appears when a remote service is called, but it has an invalid SSL certificate.


Error: There was a temporary problem serving your request, please try again. Appears when there was a failed call to an S3 storage server.


Error: There was a temporary problem serving your request, please try again. Appears when there was an error due to a race condition in server-side code.

See also
