Identity proofs have been deprecated in 3.5.0 and newer. Previously, the only proof provider was Keybase, but development on Keybase has stalled entirely since it was acquired by Zoom.
  "provider": "Keybase",
  "provider_username": "gargron",
  "updated_at": "2019-07-21T20:14:39.596Z",
  "proof_url": "",
  "profile_url": ""



Description: The name of the identity provider.
Type: String
Version history:
2.8.0 - added


Description: The account owner’s username on the identity provider’s service.
Type: String
Version history:
2.8.0 - added


Description: When the identity proof was last updated.
Type: String (ISO 8601 Datetime)
Version history:
2.8.0 - added


Description: A link to a statement of identity proof, hosted by the identity provider.
Type: String (URL)
Version history:
2.8.0 - added


Description: The account owner’s profile URL on the identity provider.
Type: String (URL)
Version history:
2.8.0 - added

See also

GET /api/v1/accounts/:id/identity_proofs
Remove Keybase integration (#17045)