
  "name": "bongoCat",
  "count": 9,
  "me": false,
  "url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/067/715/original/fdba57dff7576d53.png",
  "static_url": "https://files.mastodon.social/custom_emojis/images/000/067/715/static/fdba57dff7576d53.png"
  "name": "🤔",
  "count": 1,
  "me": true



Description: The emoji used for the reaction. Either a unicode emoji, or a custom emoji’s shortcode.
Type: String
Version history:
3.1.0 - added


Description: The total number of users who have added this reaction.
Type: Integer
Version history:
3.1.0 - added

me optional

Description: If there is a currently authorized user: Have you added this reaction?
Type: Boolean
Version history:
3.1.0 - added

url optional

Description: If the reaction is a custom emoji: A link to the custom emoji.
Type: String (URL)
Version history:
3.1.0 - added

static_url optional

Description: If the reaction is a custom emoji: A link to a non-animated version of the custom emoji.
Type: String (URL)
Version history:
3.1.0 - added

See also

Add a reaction to an announcement
Delete a reaction from an announcement